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We love kiwi music, which is why we were so stoked to be given the opportunity to design a website for The Datsuns. We maintain close relationships with New Zealand’s best artists, so we understood how important it was to make this design seamless.

We knew we had the web-design knowhow to create a site that embodied The Datsuns’ aesthetic without distracting from their work. We understood that if we combined our visual flair with The Datsuns’ music, we could create something that drove sales and presented their work with confidence.

An uncompromising band in need of a seamless website
Coasting along the tightrope.

Balance was key. We wanted to create a site that complemented The Datsuns’ work. So we decided to let their music and album artworks speak for themselves, while the website acted as a means to support this goal. At the same time, we knew the site had to be malleable and timeless, so it could be updated in perpetuity with future releases.

Careful consideration was put into maintaining the iconic Datsuns vibe, nailing the finest details such as colour and text. We had to strike a balance between aesthetic pop and readability to nail down this look. The final result was a small-scale presentational site that showed off the music while embodying the classic look The Datsuns were aiming for.


It’s all part of the process

As with all our projects, we maintained close contact throughout the entire process to ensure that every step was in the right direction. We were dedicated to making sure this process was as seamless as possible, and to ensure that any suggested tweaks, big or small, could be made immediately.

We were thrilled to go through the process of designing a home for The Datsuns’ music, and we’re excited to continue developing the site alongside their music.

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